- Bridging-the-Gap
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- Bridging-the-Gap
- Bridging-the-Gap
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- Bridging-the-Gap
Season's Greetings
Message from the President of BAPIO
Ramesh Mehta OBE
We dedicated last issue of Sushruta to mark 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a great soul, the ‘Timeless Mahatma’. Following his principle, during our journey of over the past two decades, we have always stood up for justice and fairness with emphasis on promoting and embracing diversity.
This has been an eventful year for BAPIO in our endeavour to highlight issues affecting the BME doctors. Bawa-Garba case jolted the medical fraternity, exposing the nature of system failures prevailing in the NHS service providing institutions. We are proud of the support we provided to Bawa Garba and influenced changes to tackle lack of support and blame culture that has demoralising impact on our collages.
BAPIO has been developing collaboration with many NHS Trusts to support early conflict resolution and boosting staff morale by promoting diversity and inclusion. We have developed close links with the HEE, Royal Colleges, GMC and the BMA to support career progression and look for solutions for differential attainment of BME doctors.
As a voluntary organisation we are supporting NHS England in its efforts to recruit high quality doctors from abroad with the principle that these doctors should be properly trained and returned to the country of their origin. We are committed to promote professional excellence and leadership amongst new arrivals, by providing them mentors and pastoral care through BAPIO Training Academy.
Our regional teams are most valuable resource for our presence across the whole of the United Kingdom. It brings local perspective on national policy issues and provides social and professional support to colleagues in their own localities. I thank our regional team leaders and members for organising some excellent conferences and training events. We had a very successful National Annual Conference thanks to the Organising committee ably led by Satheesh Mathew and Indranil Chakravorty.
Our international work is achieving recognition as we work very closely with the Indian High Commission in London and collaborate with central and state governments in India. I have been privileged to hold the office of presidency of the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, giving me an opportunity to connect with global diaspora of doctors and provide networking opportunities to BAPIO members.
Finally, I thank JS Bamrah, Chairman, Satheesh Mathew, Vice President, Parag Singhal, Hon National Secretary and the members of Executive Committee for their support. MDS has been successful and I thank Joydeep Grover and Sarah Dodds for managing this unique project with commitment and proficiency. The BAPIO Training Academy is taking shape and Parag is effectively leading several projects. Thanks are due to support of an efficient office team led by Ashok Khandelwal along with Sneha and Ishita. I am glad to welcome back Buddhdev Pandya MBE to continue in his role as Director of Policy. Thanks also to Dee Narga, BTA director for International recruitment for her expert contribution.
Before we part to give more time to our families and friends, it remains for me, on behalf of BAPIO Family, to wish all our members and supporters the Festive Season’s Greetings and A Happy New Year!
Ramesh Mehta
Bedford, December 21, 2019
Wish List
Boris Johnson & NHS Survival
Few things I expect from the New Government
I am glad that at last we have a stable government and Brexit on its way.
I am pleased with the promise of significantly more funds for the NHS. I expect this should lead to:
- Better staffing levels
- Better salaries
- Better Pension proposals.
- More Excellence Awards
System Failure is a major issue leading to bullying, low staff morale, more disciplinary actions and even suicides. The system includes NHS Trusts, GMC, Police and Social Services. I expect the Government to:
- Give powers to the Chief People officer to influence changes
- Put clinicians in driving seat of Trust management
- Review the GMC power, structure and conduct and modernise it.
Improve Immigration Process:
- Introduce NHS visa to facilitate quick, effective recruitment of healthcare workers
- Find a way to allow elderly parents of staff to come and live here
- Stop the extra NHS charge for newly arrived doctors.
Ramesh Mehta
December 21, 2019
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ISSN 2732-5156 (Print)
Published since 2007 by BAPIO Publications
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